Wednesday, November 2, 2022

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Conor mcgregor twitter.UFC 280: Conor McGregor & MMA Twitter react to head scratching Sean O’Malley win over Petr Yan

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MMA mixed martial arts fighter Conor McGregor walks in the pit area after the qualifying session at the Monaco street circuit in Monaco, ahead of the Monaco Formula 1 Grand Prix, on May 28, However, two judges saw the bout in his favor and gave him the win over the former UFC bantamweight champion — but it was far from a popular decision. From there, Yan used his grappling to stay in control for most of the second round.

Petr Yan is now in the last two fights that he won. Pett yan just got fucking robbed! Me watching Yan get robbed and go on a 2 losing streak pic. Fuck off UFC Bro that's a robbery. Petr Yan won it. It was split decision. Even Sean O Malley cannot believe it. What the hell. com jamsponge October 22, Petr Yan absolutely fucking robbed. Sean O Malley Vs Peter Yan summed up UFC pic. Everyone arriving at Twitter to declare Yan was robbed UFC pic. Can't believe Petr Yan got robbed again.

When are they going to do something about these shit judges? Yan originally claimed the championship at UFC in July but lost the title to Sterling at UFC — the first, and only, time a UFC title has changed hands on a disqualification. His most recent bout at UFC against Pedro Munhoz ended in a no-contest due to an accidental eye poke. Updated college football rankings: Should Clemson drop after near upset vs Syracuse?

by Cody Williams. someone call the cops Petr Yan just got robbed in Abu Dhabi. ufc — Swissi zatortihhhh October 22, UFC — FaZe Nickmercs NICKMERCS October 22, Fuck off UFC — Zarak Khan Zarakishere October 22, Petr Yan absolutely fucking robbed — Moussa Tclkoh October 22, UFC — Saleh rabbasal October 22, Next: UFC Charles Oliveira vs. Islam Makhachev live results and highlights [UPDATED LIVE]. Alex Volkanovski. The Big Lead 1 week Everyone Questioning Aaron Rodgers and Packers Throwing on Fourth and One.

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Henrys on the market. 激安大特価2022 Henry マーケット - Natural Life|商品ロットナンバー:247692416 ヘンリー ダイニング5点セットの通販はau PAY HOT安い

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